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Florence Centre,  Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
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Report October 2018

Work with Foreign Specialists






In October, the “Florence Centre” worked with partners from Canada - prof. Otto and prof. Florence Driedger. The preparing for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of their work in Ukraine, as well as the 15th anniversary of the “Florence Centre”, was discussed at the meeting. A scenario was developed for an international conference on the basis of Zaporizhzhya National University “Democratization and Humanization of Ukrainian Society through Ukrainian-Canadian Cooperation” and a scenario for organizing the 15th anniversary. In the context of work on these events, several meetings were held: with the dean of the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of ZNU,  O. Ponomarenko, the Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine, Mr. Roman Vashchuk, Dr. Boris Chersonsky and Roman Koval. Our partners visited one of the schools where the project “Territory Z” has been implemented and took part in a joint meeting of school conflict resolution centres of the project “School Mediation”.



The Project “Territory Z” (part of the Program "Healthy Lifestyle")

In this month, 23 classes were held in schools, which participate in this project. In total, 122 high-school students attended the lessons. The main topics of this month were: “Professional self-determination”, “Me and my emotions”, “Me and money”.
The most interesting for children was the topic of budget planning. During the lecture, students discovered some ways hove to save money and they were very excited. From the lessons on emotions, high-school students liked the exercises on the image and the recognition of emotions, students carried away techniques for alleviating anxiety and increasing productivity during exams, in particular, control of breathing.
In order to improve the quality of interaction between the lecturer and the group, was decided to divide one of the most problematic classes into two groups.
During the holidays, 3 lectures on bullying were held for teachers. 47 teachers attended. Many teachers sharply reacted to the issues under discussion. They stated that the problem of bullying exists in every class, but, unfortunately, they are not aware of the mechanisms of effective work with this problem and there is no support from the psychological service of schools, law enforcement agencies, and also interaction with some parents is difficult.
The teachers were interested in the methodological materials prepared on the topic, asked their questions, and turned after the lecture with requests for advice for students and parents.


The Project “School Mediation”
In October, 19 advertising speeches were conducted for high-school students with information on the activities of school services for conflict resolution. In total, there were 500 high-school students.
Last month, high-school students of grades 6-7 applied for help in resolving conflict situations. 4 mediations were conducted (8 students). The coordinator of the school service "Eridan" conducted one mediation for teachers (2 people).
In order to expand knowledge and gain new experience, some mediators from both conflict resolution services took part in the training “Basics of effective communication”. The training took place in the Classical Private University.
Information on the activities of the school conflict resolution “Phoenix” posted on the school website. School service "Eridan" provided an article for the school newspaper. We are very pleased that the mediators are happy to share their experience and are always open both to getting new knowledge and to attracting new team members!
At the end of the month, a joint meeting of mediators from two schools took place, the topic of “Restorative Justice”.
The Project “I am beautiful!”
In October, was held a meeting with the fourth group of participants. 6 months have passed since the final lesson. All women gladly accepted the invitation. Employees of the “Florence Centre” didn’t expect women to prepare so well for the meeting! Every woman came very well dressed, all the details of the wardrobe and accessories were carefully selected. As the participants later shared, some of them even visited the salon to look great.
Our colleagues Otto and Florence Dridger were also present at the meeting. At the meeting, we asked the question how much the life of the participants changed after the completion of the project. Almost all answered that, apart from specific recommendations, they received knowledge for the future.


The Project “Baby Kangaroo”



In October, 8 children attended classes on the project, 3 consultations were held. An individual psychological rehabilitation program was developed for each child, which includes the following areas:

- Development and correction of the emotional and behavioral sphere;

- Development and correction of the cognitive sphere;

- Development of communication skills;

- Assistance to the family with a special child, counseling parents;

- Adaptation of a special child in society.

Each baby is a unique person for us, and we always try to find an approach to him and become good friends. We rejoice in his success, as our own!

The kids who regularly attend classes inspire us with their new victories. M. became more attentive, diligent; L. learns to imitate and follow instructions, D. becomes more contact, learns to answer questions and ask his own; A. successfully passes the process of adaptation.


The “Kangaroo Program”






This month, 15 children attended the Kangaroo program. 1 consultation was held for parents of a child with special needs.

In October, children studied the themes “My family”, “The house in which we live”. The children learned everything they studied on creative activities (drawing, modeling, applications), while reading books, watching puppet theater, in group games.

In October, blonde friend Hilary came to us again with her mistress. Our kids really missed the dog! Some kids got acquainted again, and someone showed very good results (A. was able to feed the dog from his hand, although he had passed by before paying no attention to it; V. had played the ball, D. had fun, paying attention when the dog was eating) .








In October, the “Florence Centre” continued to help two future social educator Zaporizhzhya National University. The girls gladly participated in individual and group classes of the “Kangaroo Program”, learned how to develop classes and helped in the preparation of teaching materials for children.




Training of Specialists of Social Sphere



In October, a lecture “Love in old age” was given to students of the specialty “Social Pedagogy” of Zaporizhzhya National University. The discussion showed that some students changed their attitude towards love at this age.
Employees of the “Florence Centre” took part in the competition committee for the selection of personnel for the resource center of the institute of postgraduate pedagogical education.
For specialists of the “Florence Centre” was held on team building. Employees gladly performed all practical tasks and showed a high level of teamwork skills.


Participation in Seminars, Сonferences


In October, employees of the “Florence Centre” took part in a scientific-practical seminar “Non-formal adult education: experience and prospects”. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of ZNU.

Our employees shared the experience of organizing the project “I am beautiful!” .Through training you can make people happier, since raising the educational level of older people is a factor in improving the quality of life!

They took part in the online conference “Medical and social problems in the theory and practice of social work” of the Glukhov National Pedagogical University named after A.Dovzhenko. Issues of social work in the context of the health system from the experience of students and teachers in the Molochansky psychiatric hospital and oncologic dispensary were discussed.

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