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Florence Centre,  Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
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Report November 2013

1. In-service training of social work practitioners

In November, the Centre "Florence" held classes at the Institute of  In Service  Training of Teachers for the  professionals of the social sphere.

Main t
opic  was to prepare social pedagogues to work on HIV / AIDS prevention among schoolchildren, as well as the formation of positive social and psychological climate in the school environment. Social pedagogues took part in the training, noting tha besides getting new skills they also got lots of fun. One social pedagogue was so excited that that he started singing songs and declarationof  poems.

Also this month our specialists  held a seminar for social workers.  The topic of the seminar was "Socio-psychological climate in the team" was very relevant to the audience of specialists.

The main isses were discussed what was  psychological climate, how to diagnose, but most importantly - what are the effective ways to improve it. Participants shared their experiences and talked about how difficult it is to fire a person who who does not comply with the position, as well as the existence of employee turnover, which significantly affects the climate in the team. Our experts share practical recommendations on how to improve the climate,  and by the end of the seminar  all participants were treated with tea-coffee making workshop atmosphere more warm and friendly.

2. The "Kangaroo" program

The "Kangaroo" provides early social rehabilitation of children with special needs from 0 to 6 years.

During the month 12 children attended the program. Summed for each child results, adjusted for development in the coming month and ways to achieve them.

This month, the children began to use the swimming pool. Main purpose is to get positive emotions.

Within a month, the program began to visit two new childrenParents were consulted  about developing knowledge and complex gymnastics for six month baby with Down syndrome.

We put much efforts to teach self-service skills  (dressing, undressing, washing hands, toileting, eating).

Continuing collaboration with a speech therapist. It should be noted that now the classes are held for more children.  Music therapist  enjoyed singing and dancing, as well as teaching a new song and movements.

Held daily walks with the kids to the playground, where children willing to communicate with other children and play with them in outdoor games.

 3. The "Healthy Lifestyle" program

In November we continued to work with children at schools providing trainings on group cohersion.  As our clients are children of fifth and sixth grades, the most effective means of developing communication skills are team games, outdoor games, etc. We could say that we see our first results.

For example, in one of the fifth grade, the situation prior to the start was quite difficult: children were set quite hostile to each other, did not want to join a team, did not want anything to know about each other and spend time together. After three or four sessions guys actively involved in the work, with enthusiasm  answered questions about each other,  experiencing failure and  celebrate victories together. With great enthusiasm, the children tried to guess  what profession children will choose in the future and who loves to read and what books they read. All this creates a friendly attitude and joyful anticipation of future studies. Indicator of success for us is that the guys meet our staff with smiles and ask the class teacher to invite us  more often. Plans for December is the continuation of cooperation with schools.

Also in November, we helped a teacher to conduct a parents' meeting at school. Our task was to provide professional help for a teachers to change attitudes towards the parent meetings, go to the empowerment instead of punishment, from moralizing to constructive support in upbringing of children. The task of the parents' meeting was to show children's progress, to support initiatives and to inspire new achievements. Here are some results of what has happened:

First, the meeting was a joint parent-child meeting, which  was unusual for both children and parents. The first part of the parents' meeting was watching a film, which we previously did with the children.  Every child  shared why he/she loved her parents. Every parent was waiting to see a child on screen with  joy and thrill, so the whole movie was accomponiied with cheerful cries.

Then the class teacher showed pictures of children during  different classes and spoke in details about their achievements, which caused a new wave of positive emotions among children and parents.

The meeting was planned as a dialogue of all parties, by the end we gave children the opportunity to interview the parents about what school knowledge and skills useful to them in adult life and how. Parents were happy about their experiences, about how someone liked mathematics and became an accountant, someone fond of biology and is now working in the lab. At this moment  pride for their parents could be seen on the faces of children.

At the end we asked each parent personally to share what they think about their children and to wish them all the best. The meetings was closed with a fun photo.

After the meeting, nobody was in a  hurry, as everyone wanted to share their impressions of what he/she saw and heard. But most importantly, parents and children were smiling at each other, proud of each other and wanted to move on to something new and interesting. For us, it was the main indicator of success of the meeting the inspiration of parents, children and teachers on a constructive relationship.


4. Program "We are just like you!"

In November Kamyshevahskuyu school of rehabilitation (detention centre) was visited by volunteers from Zaporizhzhya National Technical University/ Institute of Management and Law (major - "International tourism "). Guys and students joined together in two big teams and spent volleyball tournament. All participants were active during these sports activities, fun and friendly with each other.School students always look forward to friends and volunteers will gladly meet them. Volunteers are also waiting for the trips to bring warmth to teens.



5. Project "FASD"

Continuing lectures on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among schoolchildren  of  Zaporizhzhya. More than 120 groups attended the presentations already in different schools. The guys said that the stuff was new for them and very interesting. School administrations confirmed the importance and relevance of information.




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