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Florence Centre,  Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
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Report December 2013

1. The "Healthy Lifestyle" program (work with teens at school on prevention of smoking, drinking, drug use, on communication, decision making, etc.).

In December, the members of our Center provided 25 sessions on the program "Healthy Lifestyle". Among them, 11 sessions were devoted to HIV / AIDS prevention, 2 sessions on violence prevention, 11 sessions were focused on team building and 1 session was on tobacco prevention. Active involvement of schools is due to the fact that we provided the FASD project for more schools and they learned about the activities of our Centre. The professionalism of lecturers, active advertising and individual approach to each class provide the best results - the confidence of teachers and pupils' interest.

This month we were particularly active providing lectures on HIV/AIDS. The presentation on HIV/AIDS consists of three parts: to identify the level of students' knowledge about HIV / AIDS, showing video on the topic and team play, which allows to get more understanding of this disease. This way of presenting helps quickly to acquire new knowledge. Here are some of the statements of pupils after presentation:

"Never in my life I thought so intensively!” (Feedback during the game).

"Can I take a questionnaire and share with my friends?"

"I thought I knew everything about HIV! And today I still learned a lot!"

"I thought that HIV is transmitted through infected insects and feared them! Now I know that this is impossible. And thanks for telling me."

This and other statements once again show the importance and need for further work in this direction.

This month we got an interesting and unusual for us organization Birthday and New Year parties for the group of children where we do training on team building. New forms of work suddenly opened new possibilities for us. During the entertaining activities we used the psychological exercises on team building and it helped in making a team. Children participated enthusiastically in a quest contests with other children and this kind of game would not work under normal circumstances. Children performed tasks very amicably, constantly laughing, helped each other and shared experiences. They started to rely more on each other and became a team.

Besides this we played the game which is called ‘A secret friend’. On random choice each child got ‘a secret friend’ and he/she was supposed to take care of a ‘’secret friend’. This task initially frustrated some children as they didn’t like the guys who became their "secret friends." It was obvious that there was a hidden conflict between some children, but during the game children became more friendly towards their mates.

Very touching moment was when one of the boys brought to his "secret friend" a jacket. The child was so surprised that didn’t even said "thank you." This game has become part of the lives of children for the whole week, and the guys were trying to do something good for others. Everybody has forgotten that didn’t like someone. Everybody wanted to make his ‘secret friend’ happy.  

Those kinds of results make our work truly meaningful and necessary.


2. Project "FASD"

In December we provided more than 70 lectures at schools. Principles of schools are opened and willing to cooperate in FASD project. For pupils this information was  very interesting and important. Teachers confirmed the importance and significance of the information as well.


3. "We are just like you!" (work at the detention centre).

Unfortunately, in December the "Florence Centre" has not visited the Detention Centre for juvenile offenders, but the guys got Christmas gifts from us. As a gift they got balls for football, volleyball and basketball games, and we covered their travel expenses for a trip to the circus. Coming year we plan to continue sport events there.


4. Program "Volunteers"

Volunteers from Zaporizhzhya National University helped in preparation of teaching materials for the "Kangaroo" program.


5. The "Kangaroo" program

The "Kangaroo" provides early social rehabilitation of children with special needs from 0 to 6 years.

During the month 14 families attended the "Kangaroo" program.  

Every child gets the services according of his/her individual plan of development.

This month we have 3 new families (delayed speech development, autism and achondroplasia).

A few hours a day works a volunteer Natalia, who provides invaluable assistance in the organization of children's activities.

This month, the children continue to enjoy access to the pool. Many of them no longer afraid of the water, swim with pleasure and look forward to the next sessions.

Special attention is paid to the self-service skills training and also to the individual and group classes, eating, walking, sleeping.

We find very helpful the work of speech therapist and music therapist.

Systematically conducted a walk with the kids to the playground, where children communicate with other children and play outdoor games. 

Christmas party was held in "Kangaroo” and brought a lot of positive emotions and gifts.


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